Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Surgery, Kids and me

They've bumped the surgery to tomorrow, Thursday. I am so freaking torn. My daughter hates me, my sons think I'm the worst mother...

There's been nothing but tension here. My daughter has deadlines for school on Friday that she didn't tell me until today. Now I must drive home, while my father is having life or death surgery....

I'm so stressed out that I've said some horrible things to my daughter, things that even an apology may never fix. The kids just don't get it. They've never had a father in their lives so they aren't able to understand how I feel.

I just feel like shit all the way around. I can't win with any choice I make and it sucks right now...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

im sorry you are going through such a tough time right now... xox... annie