Friday, March 13, 2009

On the News...

Las Vegas, NV is in last place when it comes to collecting child support. Ya think?

The girls dad, who lives somewhere in California, owes me 21G's in back child support. They've yet to collect a dime from him.

The boys father owes me 47G's in back child support. I go every three months to court to see what's happening. The last time I went, he wasn't there, claiming that he had moved to NY (which is where he is from). And he was getting SSI, but it's illegal to garnish wages from SSI.. he is supposedly trying to get Disability, which CAN be the boy would get a check for himself from his fathers disability. So, we'd get one check for him that way and I would also get money from his dad's actual disability check, however he hasn't been trying to get disability, because he doesn't want to pay any child support. The time before last, the judge pissed me off so bad. She took 13G's off of his back child support, because it was a "hardship for him".. A HARDSHIP FOR HIM?????????? I said, as angry as I could get without being too disrespectful to the judge and landing in jail...

"What about the last 13 years that I've raised the child alone without any financial help" "Is that not a hardship for me??" The judge responded with, "Looks like you've done just fine all this time without help". I was stunned, kind of took a step backwards and wanted to cry...

"Excuse me Ma'am, but just because I've put clothes on his back, food in his belly and a roof over his head, doesn't mean that we've done just fine" "As a matter of fact, more often than not we go without things that are needed, not wanted, but needed, because I live on a fixed income, how is that doing just fine?"

She refused to respond and went about her business stopping the child support and removing the 13G's. I was so pissed, not just at her, but at him too. He kept repeating that the boy wasn't his (and lo and behold, last time at court, I found out that he has another child after mine and is also claiming that the child isn't his). He signed a paternity paper when the boy was 2 months old (can't put the fathers name on the BC in NV if you aren't married, have to sign a paternity paper or take a test) so he signed the paper, knowing full well the boy was his, after court that one time, I waited for him and told him that I would pay for a freaking paternity test if he was so sure the boy wasn't his and then he would have the proof staring him in the face, showing him that he is most definately the boys father. I gave him my number and he never called. Asshole.

See, my picker of men is broken. Or it was for so long.. I think it may still be. They may be nicer men now, but they all seem to be emotionally unavailable. Men my age, men older than me and even those younger than me. Jerks.



Anonymous said...

Whoa. That's A LOT of money.

lisa lind said...

child support is one of the worse systems in this country. My neice is 29 now and her mom is still trying to collect thousands of dollars in back support. The enforcement division say,"Well, there's no statute of limitations so we'll get him to pay eventually." Yeah-right. Nobody should be able to drag out paying after a child is an adult. They should be forced to pay it all prior to emancipation of the child. At least that's my view. This creep could still be paying child support long after he's a great grandfather- how ridiculous! Further, I feel these 'men' and I use the term very loosely are spineless and irresponsible losers. Eek- I think you sparked a hot note! lol...good luck and hope you eventually get what is due you. In the meantime, sending you hugs :o)

Lea said...

Yaya: Yeah, it's A LOT OF FREAKING MONEY! Even if they would start paying now and even if he's 25 when done and she's 30 or whatever, it would help tremendously right now and once they hit 21 if I am getting child support, by some miracle, I'd turn the checks over to them, which would help them out as adults.

Lisa: It totally sucks, but thanks for the hugs! I always appreciate the time you take to send me hugs and encouragement. I will continue to fight for support for my kids, regardless of how old I or they are. The sperm donors are not men, they are spineless human beings with no sense of right and wrong.. but, I have to also take some of the blame here, I picked them and while I didn't get pregnant on purpose (I was on birth control for all three of my pregnancies!) and I chose to remain with them even after the ugliness came out of both.. It took a bit for me to learn my lessons, but I did and so for that I am to blame.

I've just done the best I can do, given what I have to work with. As I said I believe in one of my blog posts, I have had to learn how to parent, simply by being a parent, with no parenting skills passed on to me by my parents and truth be known, it's looking more and more like I have repeated history though I didn't want to, but I fear that I have not passed any good parenting skills off to my kids now either... I'll have to blog what's going on, but I don't think I am just quite ready yet, it's admitting some pretty horrible things about me, at least I think so... I just have to get over the hurdle of exposing myself that deep... I'm sure it'll happen, just not sure when!