Monday, January 12, 2009


I mentioned Lee over at Lee's Free Custom Blog Layouts last night...

My first clue should have been the girl on the header banner, but no, not me. I just make assumptions. I told bloggyland that Lee was a boy! Duh!

No Bloggyland, Lee is not a boy, but rather a girl. Thank you Alicia at YaYa Stuff for cluing me in! Sorry Lee!


Lee said...

You told them I was a BOY?!

Kidding, kidding. : ) Hope you like your new background.

Lea said...

I LOVE it! You do good work! You should be charging something, even a small fee!

Anonymous said...

This background is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lea said...

I totally agree! I love it. She's making me one without the people in it too... though I think I might like to keep that little girl playing in the sand...

Thanks to you, I found her! I owe you! :)

Charmaine said...

Yo woman. We will perhaps both be single for life.

Unless we move to Vermont. I hear that that men are normal there?

hee hee

Lea said...

Vemonr?? I think we should go to Alaska!!! 10 men to 1 woman... Yay!