Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Man I am PISSED right now. Real pissed. Pissed enough to want to track someone down and punch her in the face.

I follow a lot of blogs and am on facebook as well. One of my favorite bloggers, mentioned something about being sent emails that say something to the effect of "freedom isn't free, someone has to pay for it" and being upset about having been sent this more than once... she mentioned it on her facebook page...

I commented, mentioned I had a tattoo that I designed on me, a peace sign with daisies, that under it says "freedom don't come free" which is a song lyric from one of my favorite Toby Keith songs, "the angry american"... and some bitch friend of this person writes:

(name deleted not to protect her, but because I didn't get her permission to repost this)LOL Maybe I *am* a snobby, bleeding-heart liberal, but why would anyone put something so glaringly grammatically incorrect (not to mention, um, dumb) in their skin? I'm sorry, honey, but that screams "hillbilly!"

Bitch. I grew up 2 blocks from Bel Air, Ca. In Encino, Ca surrounded by movie stars and wealthy people. HILLBILLY? My fucking ass. Farthest thing from it. After leaving a mostly nasty comment back, with sorry HONEY a few times in it and damn glad we live in a country where you can criticize what I do with my own body and not be persecuted for it... I had to go back and say "sorry but I cannot be friends here with someone who has someone else here that is closed minded and snobbish, as they are to me the same as someone who is racist and a bigot. Wonder what she would think/say if she knew I had a black niece adopted from Ethiopia and a DIL and grandbaby who are both half mexican and I adore all 3 of them!"

Closed minded dumb people really get under my skin, bad. So, I am removing myself from this persons facebook friends list, but I'll still follow her blog cause I LIKE her, I just don't like her "friend" lol

People. Just are stupid.


Erin Lowmaster said...

That's definitely not very loving...I agree that some people can be pretty stupid...

I'm a christian and it's really hard to love people sometimes because they can be such inconsiderate jerks! WWJD.. sadly I believe that most christians today would have even rejected Him!

Lea said...

My oldest boy said, "kill 'em with kindness" But I just don't have the patience to do that or the inclination! Plus, I'm over it, she's just another one of those kind of people I don't want to be like or even allow in my life in any capacity.

I'm inclined to agree with you, that many would reject Jesus today... many did when he was supposed to have walked this earth and people are far more judgmental now then back then... at least that is what I believe, certainly not based on any statistics or such, but experience in life as I know it.

Thanks for stopping by!